samedi 9 août 2008

Vitalic killed my camera

La boucle est bouclée, I am closing circles...
I am putting here my last pics :

Explanation: Vitalic concert tonight at Aulnoys, a lot of friends, but a lot of reaaaaally exited people, too much maybe !!
I lost : my Christiania sweatshirt and my ear plug; was devastated, cause I killed my camera by droping it on the floor, too... but, at the end, I found everything back (completely unexpected !) and I realized that since I wanted to buy a digital reflex, now I didn't have excuses anymore !!

I bought this camera just 2 years ago, when I left France. I think I closed a circle, kinda... life is crazy...

This night was crazy. I saw people I didn't needed to see again. Sometimes you realize you need to forget some part of your life.

Keep the best, forget the dark; just keep in mind that life can be mediocre in order to really appreciate the true moments...
Peace !!

mardi 29 juillet 2008


End of July...

I had a really cool month tho…

A festival, some new people, some old friend, some family, some cool parties, a lot of sun…

And Oooh yeah, of course, a lot of chilling !!

Working at Roskilde...

Going to Govinda's restaurant; in the Lund-Malmö bus; vegan food, vegan food !!

Having balcony moments with my balcony girls... in Smalands.

Watchin' movies on Anders computer...

Havin' some nice & drinks...

Saving insects traped in the room, attracted by the light...

Going out with my friend in Lille...

et de la couture chez Sarou !
Sowing at Sarah's place...

Lets rock, August !!! :p

dimanche 27 juillet 2008

Sometimes, life is just beautiful...

Sometimes you cannot say what is the reflect, what’s the reality,

Sometimes you are laughing about stuff you just because it is Sophie,

Sometimes blurry moments are “oh, so precious”…

dimanche 13 avril 2008

København quand tu nous tiens...

Tree freenchies in københavn...


Petite visite de Copenhague avec mes girls;
Street art partout, ennui nul part;

Plus de pieds, plus de dos!!

Mon capital sommeil, pas bien lourd avant de part
ir, c'est émiété au fur et à mesure des heures de marche...
Partage d'appareil photo avec Sarou, ayant failli à la célèbre règle "ta carte mémoire dans ton PC tu n'oublira point", elle c'est consolée avec mon bridge (même si la mise au point après zoom laisse vraiment à désirer) Fuji finepix S5600...

Sarou & Mathou in Glyptotek,
waiting for Zevs' Electroshock exibition.

In Christiania... 69 forever

This last pic lets me think about this one: Lund, in March, Henrik's place... Ones, he told me that he cooked in the Ungdomhuset kitchen...
Lucky bastard !!


Speaking about food, in Copenhagen we were always thinking about what we gonna eat; I mean, I was, at least ! With not so many danish coins in the pocket, choices are minimum... And we were starving, after a big walking day !

Pic from Zevs 'exibition (french dude)

Food...This was a big thing I liked too share with Henrik :
Cooking Vegan Food.


My ratatouille... His burgers...

Going Dumpster-diving was also fun !
A part of few hours night expedition treasure:

Lets do it again sometimes !

Yeah, Copenhagen was fun, visiting a city with 2 architects, one crazy about modern art, is really
Sarou had already planned what we absolutely had to see, just great !!

Me and some stuff

Of course we went to Louisiana,

And to Christiania...

Hell yeah...
I really like this part of the world, this Copenhagen-Skåne area !